That Witching Hour

Hayley2[Deadyetawake149] (1:42am): You there?

[Whispersthroughthemadness] (1:42am): Always.

[Deadyetawake149] (1:44am): I’m thinking again. Too much.

[Whispersthroughthemadness] (1:45am): Wish I could help. I’d hug you.

[Deadyetawake149] (1:45am): Tell me more! 😉

[Whispersthroughthemadness] (1:46am): I’d wrap one arm around your neck. Nuzzle my face into your back. With the other hand I’d trace figureeights on your thigh.

[Deadyetawake149] That sounds nice.

[Whispersthroughthemadness] (1:48am): There’s a watertwoer near my house. I’ve always wanted to bring someone there, someone who would get it. We’d sit up there and stare over the fields.

[Deadyetawake149] (1:50am): I’d kiss your arm where it passed near my face. Make a stupid comment about the pretty sunset and you’d laugh at me, but we’d be laughing together.

[Whispersthroughthemadness] (1:50am): Are you still thinking too much?

[Deadyetawake149] (1:50am): Yes.

[Whispersthroughthemadness] (1:50am): 🙁

[Deadyetawake149] (1:51am): Now I’m thinking about you.

[Whispersthroughthemadness] (1:52am) I always think about you. Especially late at night. I dream about your face but it’s never quite in focus. Like when you’re high and you have a really great idea and then you sober up and you’re still reaching for it. You can’t quite grasp it.

[Deadyetawake149] (1:56am) I used to dream about waves. Crashing over my head and I was drowning.

[Whispersthroughthemadndess] (1:57) Used to?

[Deadyetawake149] (1:57) ^-^ Maybe tonight I’ll dream about a water tower.

[Whispersthroughthemadness] (1:58am) I’ll write your name on it!

[Deadyetawake149] (1:58am) Really?

[Whispersthroughthemadness] (1:58am) Yup!

[Deadyetawake149] (1:58am) I wish you could see yourself the way I do. You make the world… better. Just being here.

[Whispersthroughthemadness] (2:00am) If you could see yourself the way I do, you’d have a head the size of euroepe!

[Deadyetawake149] (2:00am) *blush*

[Whispersthroughthemadness] (2:01am) Now od I need to sing a lullaby to your brain>?

[Deadyetawake149] (2:01am) Yes please!

[Whispersthroughthemadness] (2:02am) Go to sleeeeepy litttttle brraaaaaaaaaaaaaainy…

[Deadyetawake149] (2:03am) lol

[Whispersthroughthemadness] (2:03am) Time for bed. 🙁

[Deadyetawake149] (2:03am) awwww. Okay.

[Whispersthroughthemadness] (2:07am) Goodnight. Sleep well.

[Deadyetawake149] (2:07am) Night!

[Whispersthroughthemadness] (2:12am) Love you.

(whispersthroughthemadness has logged off)

[Deadyetawake149] (2:12am) !!!
Image courtesy of Hayley Mechelle Bouchard. Her work can be found at Little Cat Photography, and on Our Contributors page.