Heaven – I’m in Heaven –


There’s something beautiful about Heaven; but something melancholic, too.

The colours are brighter here. That’s the first thing I notice; how rich and textured everything is, like a photograph that’s captured the perfect smooth lighting of a Tuesday afternoon in June. The grass is emerald, not green; the colours are soft, like a watercolour painting. I imagine if I ran my fingers through the purple blossoms they would feel like pussywillows, and leave a bright stain on my fingers, but I can never quite seem to reach them.

I can hear the quiet, contented laugh of a child, and I know she’s me. I remember this day, or at least echoes of many days like it; walking one step ahead of my parents, so that I feel both safe and also completely alone in my exploration of the world. I’m wearing a costume that is a part of me, beauty strapped to my back like a knight wears armour. Everything is ahead of me; I am the mutable possibility of an entire life, and every step I take both opens and closes doors. Perhaps I will live always in these imaginary games, become a sculpture or a painter or a writer. Perhaps I will wish the world was as perfect as I imagine it, and become a social worker or a politician or a scientist. When I fall and scrape my knee, will I learn to crave love, or independence? When I drop my ice cream cone on the pavement will I be inspired to make another one, or will I mourn its loss forever, in a secret hollow in my heart?

I’m not that child. Even though she’s me, and the most solid part of this place, I’m no longer her. I think that’s where the melancholy comes from. I’m here, in this perfect place, but I still remember. I remember cars and smog and broken hearts, skinned knees and final exams and burnt dinner right before ten people walk through the front door. I remember hangovers and colds you pretend are the flu, I remember boring movies and the terror of deadlines and the sound of falling. And I miss them.

I miss being alive.

Heaven is beautiful. I’ll spend forever here, and part of me will be – content. I’ll know peace here like I never knew in life. I’ll smile every time I hear myself laugh, and nothing will change. But I will remember, too, when life was unexpected. And a part of myself, however small that might be, will sigh, and remember.



Image courtesy of Hayley Mechelle Bouchard. Her work can be found at Little Cat Photography, with more information about Hayley on Our Contributors page.