A Change in the Air…

Wow. I can’t believe it’s been two and a half years of Lucid Dreaming. Two and a half years of (mostly) weekly stories; two and a half years of incredible artwork. I’ve seen beautiful paintings, stunning photographs, detailed sketches; I’ve written tragedies, comedies, weird murder fantasies (only one, thank goodness!).

And I have such a blast doing it.

But looking at this huge catalogue of stories I’ve been blessed to explore has made me realize that I need to focus a little bit of my efforts on writing some short stories that I can send out into the wider world – stories I can publish, stories I can share on other platforms.

With that in mind, I’m going to be cutting Lucid Dreaming back a bit. For now we’ll be aiming for biweekly (yes, I know that word means both twice a week and every two weeks, making it pretty useless as a denoter of time, but you can probably figure out from the context that I mean every two weeks, since I can’t cut back to twice a week!). Ideally, I’ll still be writing a story every week, I just won’t be posting them all. That way, I can start to build up a backlog of stories for other venues.

Thank you for your years (years!) of support, and for your eyeballs, which have presumably been following me all this time. Check in every two weeks for more of what you’ve come to know (and hopefully love).
